Kong Style Kung Fu

boards don't hit back!

There are all different types of Kung fu, and we just happen to practice our own style.  Here are some of the highlights of what Kong style Kung Fu is.

Joy and simplicity. We go where people are and work hard to bring joy and the light of Jesus into their existence.  We find a lot of fulfillment in helping people realize that following Jesus is simple. Abide, serve, laugh, cry, enjoy life, repeat.

Relationships. People are what we’re about.  Helping people feel loved and accepted is a joy.

Peace. Jesus talked a lot about this one. We enjoy working with people and bringing the peace of God into their lives.  Whether it be for the first time, through a presentation of the gospel, or the hundredth time, through prayer, through worship, through a word of encouragement.

Gobilizing. More people should be involved in world missions. We go places in the world that need the message of Jesus and take people along with us.  Hopefully those people that go along with us will have their hearts stirred for more involvement in reaching the world for what matters…Jesus.  So we go and we mobilize.  Gobilizers.

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